Hello world Link to heading

This is my first post with hugo. I’m working on migrating from Wordpress, so all my old posts are not available at the moment.

My focus is to switch from self-hosted Wordpress to something a bit more secure and robust. My previous approach included local infrastructure which proves to be a tedious task.

For my use-case all I need is PaaS, so I don’t need to worry about platform updates, security, certificates, all that headache.

Also, for my blogging frequency, even Wordpress is an overkill.

After some Googling, asking around (kudos to my good friend Sergei for few suggestions) testing and comparing I decided to go with:

  1. Static site generator Hugo
  2. Hosted on Netify

Benefits include:

  • All perks of commercial cloud PaaS
  • A static site means no php executables and super-fast
  • For my expected usage amount it will be free tier. It sounds too good to be true, but it is. See pricing on Netlify