Originally published on 2018-05-10

If we need a placeholder text to disappear on the static background.

Mutiple Fields

Actions of the field


OnBlur: fillTransparent();


function textFields()
    for (var fieldNumber = 0; fieldNumber < numFields; fieldNumber++) 
        var aField = getField(getNthFieldName(fieldNumber));
        if (aField.type === "text" || aField.type == "combobox") 
            aField.setAction("OnFocus", "fillWhite();");
            aField.setAction("OnBlur", "fillTransparent();");

function fillWhite()
    var me = getField(event.target.name);
    me.fillColor = color.white;

function fillTransparent()
    var me = getField(event.target.name);
    if (me.valueAsString.trim() == "" && !color.equal(me.fillColor, color.transparent)) 
        me.fillColor = color.transparent;